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Lemongrass Plants for Health Benefits

Posted by CB Blogger

 Lemongrass plant is generally a kind of spice that is used household mothers for their cooking ingredients. Serai an aroma of spices that make you become more savory. But apparently lemongrass can also be utilized for medicines.Not Just in Indonesia, it turns out the lemongrass plant is also popular in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, and several countries in Africa and America. In these countries the lemongrass into ingredients and also made in medicine.

In the world of beauty lemongrass used as a mixture of soap maker. The reason make her a substance as lemongrass soap can keep the skin moist and fining the skin. In addition aroama is typical of lemon grass in trust not in love mosquitoes, so when you are already using lemongrass soap after a shower you do not need to use mosquito repellent again.These plants can be made of materials other than the soap mixture also has some health benefits. Here are some brief uraiaan about the benefits of this citronella plants for human health:
  • preventing Cancer
Experts who have examined the lemongrass plant found the substance contained in the plant lemongrass is citral, this substance is a substance that can suppress cancer cells in the human body. And also this substance can maintain healthy cells or tissues in our body. But need to know if you consume or stew lemongrass tea will not immediately be able to permanently cure cancer, but it can suppress the growth of cancer.
  • Diabetes drug

When you consume lemongrass tea or decoction can help cleanse or detoxify the pancreas and improve the function, so it can lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.

  • prevent Anemia

Please know that anemia occurs because the body Kekeurangan iron. Iron content contained in lemongrass may help normalize red blood cells in the blood. Red blood cells have a function as a distributor of oxygen throughout the body. Apabiala Kekeurangan red blood cells your body becomes weak and easily tired.
  • Cleaning Bacteria in the Body

Besides having an iron content, lemongrass also has natural anti-septic content. If you are taking lemongrass tea regularly can automatically clean up nasty micro-organisms that exist in the body, and also cleans the blood, cleans bacteria and fungi. Lemongrass tea has potent anti-septic and anti-inflation so that it can be made of natural herbal remedies to prevent or treat gout, arthritis and inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • To warm the body

As well as the buffoonery lemongrass plant could also be beneficial to warm the body. Lemongrass essential oil content in handy as a balm to relieve the symptoms of flu and fever.
  • detoxification
Anti-oxidant, anti-septic and diuretic effect of lemon grass herb making it important to include in the diet at detoxification. This process is helpful to cleanse and purify the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas and increase blood circulation. Diuretic effect helps remove toxins in the body effectively.
  • Good for Diet
If you are currently running a weight loss diet program, lemongrass tea drinking may help melting the fat by way of detoxification. Lemongrass tea drinking may help to expedite the chapter in high volumes, effective and fast to lose weight fast. By consuming these lemongrass you'll get a nice body according to your wishes.
  • treating Insomnia
If you have insomnia or trouble sleeping you can try this lemon grass tea plant. Insomnia is common because of an imbalance of chemicals in the body and can also occur due to a nervous breakdown. Consuming lemon grass tea can calm the nerves and make your sleep more quality.
  • issued Poison
Benefits of lemongrass plant's outline is to remove toxins in the body. By consuming lemon grass tea on your colon cleansing will occur so that the toxins in the body will spend time together in the chapter.healthful Digestive
From the very first leaf properties of lemongrass are very well known by the general public is healthy digestion. This in because Lemongrass has anti-microbial properties and colon cleansing. Substances contained in lemongrass can also kill the bad bacteria and parasites, but the good bacteria can be passed back to the intestines. Thus digestive disorders like constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal cramps can avoid.
  • Can Whiten Teeth
Have yellowed teeth makes you less confident, but you do not have to worry because with this lemongrass plant yellowing teeth can be overcome. The way to get out of mashed lemongrass juice, mixed with a little charcoal kitchen. Rubbing the teeth. Do this for a minimum of 3 times a week. Feel the changes that occur in your teeth.
  • Treating Skin Diseases
Plants Serai bias also be used as a drug to treat skin diseases. For example fungus on the skin. The content on lemongrass proven to kill the fungus that nest on the skin. Continuous use is also biased remove stains left by the fungus. In cosmetics containing citronella can also help prevent premature aging. Therefore, for women should be good at pandailah choose a safe and natural cosmetics such as cosmetics containing citronella.
Similarly, a brief description of the benefits of citronella plants for our health. Perhaps there are many more benefits of lemongrass are not I write here. But hopefully a little earlier article can give you an idea about how much the lemongrass plant's benefits to our health. Thank you for visiting and greeting healthier for us all.