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Benefit Of Leaves Betel

Posted by CB Blogger

Betel leaves as we know it has many benefits and advantages that we can make in our lives, both in terms of health, healing and medicine. Betel leaves contain oil asitri where there is oil in the fly (betiephenol), seskuiterpen, starch, sugar and diastase, tannic and kavikol. Materials / compounds have the ability to kill germs, and is an antioxidant and antiofungia. Parents first betel leaves are used to treat bleeding, vaginal discharge, red eyes, and many more including erectile dysfunction.
The benefits and efficacy of betel leaf alone can we find and in a variety of ways. Betel leaves can be used for treatment of example, with boiled to cure vaginal discharge, cough, eliminate body odor, bronchitis etc. While betel leaf can be used directly as to treat nosebleeds, burns, aphthous ulcers, sores, bleeding gums, stop sores, acne, etcIt's some of the benefits of betel leaf can be friends after reading the following article

1. To treat acneWeeks to treat acne, please take 8-10 betel leaves. Wash with clean then squeezed or crushed rough, and brewed with hot water and kenudian wash your face with water betel leaf. Do it 2-3 times a day. 
2. To treat ItchingOne of the benefits of betel leaves to treat hives where we could take the betel leaf boiled water in the shower or wash the affected skin itch. Take 15-20 betel leaves, wash and boil. Boiled water betel leaves, use warm while still able to shower or wash affected. 
3.treating Nosebleeds
As we know betel leaves to treat nosebleeds which by the way, take 1 or 2 pieces of betel leaves and wash clean. Crushed betel leaf and roll, insert it into the nose to stanch bleeding nose.
Please take a 10-15 betel leaf, has a distinctive aroma and color. Boil the betel leaf that had been washed with 2-3 liters of water. And the use of boiled water betel leaves are still warm to wash Miss V.

4. treating cancer
To treat cancer please take a few pieces of betel leaf, and the water boiled and murder has been reduced 1/4, take boiled water betel leaves and mix with honey served while still warm and drink regularly 2-3 times a day.

5To treat cough
To treat cough similar to a prescription to treat cancer is to boil 10-15 betel leaf and let the cold water and stir the stew can with honey or sugar to drink.

6.Eliminate body odor
How can betel leaves to eliminate body odor? Want to know how? Namely by taking a few pieces of betel leaf, I suggest five pieces of betel leaves with 2 cups boiling water and when the water has been reduced to one glass. Drinking during the day in order to feel benefit betel leaves to eliminate body odor.

7.To treat burns
It's easy, just take a few betel leaves, wash and wring out, than placed at burns
Now that the health benefits of betel leaf can also be for the treatment of betel leaf easily accessible in our environment. How do you excited to try? Please you run yourself have given tips and hopefully what was expected by you is reached.